
Hey!Let's HealRelationship Coach for God's Chosen.


How do you get there?

The LDAR Life Coaching Pathway® Helps You Find Peace In Your Career, Calling & Relationships.

Identity Formation

Know How You Think and How People Experience You

Boundaries & Vulnerability

Recognize & Communicate Your Key Relational Needs

Relational Resillence

Approach Difficult Conversations with Confidence, Knowing Rejection Isn’t the End


Stay Faithful with Your Projects Because You Show Up Consistently

Alexis helped me see my true worth and snap into action by applying to jobs regardless of my age.
Before I met Alexis, I was uncertain and stuck without a clue to know where to begin to change my life for the better at my age.
After, I updated my resume, started applying for jobs and set firmer boundaries at my current job.
Derrica Stinson Ms.D

Hey, Let’s Heal the Podcast

Relationship coaching for the chosen.

With a backdrop of overcoming physical & sexual abuse, parental estrangement and having the blood disorder sickle cell disease – Alexis teaches you how to thrive in relationships despite trauma, while still learning herself.

A broken relationship is probably how you here, but because of Christ, you don’t have to stay here.

seen known loved podcast prototype image

About Me

I love Jesus, love to teach, and love to pray. I am a licsensed minister and trauma informed Christian life coach. My joy in life is to use my listening and strategy skills to help women confidently transition in their careers, brands and forgive family. As a sickle cell warrior, I also advocate to see increased blood donations in the African-American community.

Online Coaching Resources

it all starts with a day ebook by Alexis m Lott

It All Starts With a Day eBook

Take Your Power Back from Depression

stick to it devotional and workbook

Stick to It Workbook & Devotional

Launch One Idea + Uncover the Hidden Reasons why you Keep Changing Your Mind.